Landcruiser (2013)

Fortunately, the Landcruiser project project was completed quickly thanks to numerous donations. Friends of St. Anne's participated and supported this initiative. A used landcruiser was purchased from another aid organization, thoroughly overhauled, and has been available to the hospital since 2013. It is used exclusively for transporting patients and medication, and currently supports the Mother and Child Program.

Project Description:
Seit über vier Jahren war der alte Landcruiser projectThe old Landcruiser ambulance had been unroadworthy for over four years. Numerous components were broken on the 20-year-old vehicle, making meaningful repairs impossible. The car had endured significant wear and tear on bush tracks, and the nearest suitable workshop was in Dar es Salaam, approximately 1,200 km away. The vehicle was urgently needed for various purposes, primarily patient transportation and the delivery of medicines and materials. Sick and injured patients had to travel up to 50 km by bicycle or on foot to reach the hospital. In cases of serious injuries or birth complications, help often arrived too late. The loss of the vehicle had catastrophic economic consequences for the hospital, as there was no alternative means of transportation in Liuli, forcing costly deliveries.

With your donations, this project was swiftly implemented. Thank you very much!