
The hospital operates on a fixed budget for medication, funded by its sponsor. However, there are instances when more medication is needed than usual, such as antibiotics during epidemics in the rainy season. This can lead to the pharmacy running out of essential medicines before all patients have been supplied.

Origin of Medications: All medications are purchased from Action Medeor in Tanzania, which sources only high-quality medicines from Europe and the USA. Occasionally, independent dealers attempt to sell inferior or counterfeit goods from the Far East at low prices, making it crucial to have a reliable supplier. To date, we have never resorted to using such substandard products.

Goals: Our aim is to maintain a reserve that allows us to purchase medicines, primarily antibiotics, on very short notice in the event of extreme shortages that directly endanger lives. Friends of St. Anne's expressly does not supply the hospital with medicines as a matter of principle and does not intend to do so. However, it is ethically unacceptable to withhold funds for other projects and risk patient lives. In 2020, there was a severe shortage of medication after a prolonged period, forcing patients or their relatives to purchase some necessary medicines externally. Thanks to earmarked donations and our own reserves, we were able to bridge this shortage.