Who are we?

Friends of St. Anne's e.V. is a non-profit association founded in 2011 and based in Kastellaun, Germany. Our organization is comprised of ordinary members, supporting members, and a dedicated board.

The association was established in 2011 by four medical students from Düsseldorf. Shortly thereafter, another association with the same mission—founded by students from Aachen in 1999—joined us. Over the years, we have grown to include more than 100 members who support our mission through membership fees. Additionally, we generate income through donations. We are committed to supporting St. Anne's Hospital in Liuli, located in the Nyasa District of Tanzania. Our work focuses exclusively on charitable and non-profit purposes and is not commercially driven.

This is achieved partly through both monetary and in-kind donations, and partly by arranging placements for volunteers. These are predominantly medical students from Germany and Austria, but also include doctors, midwives, and other healthcare professionals. We have also been able to facilitate stays in Liuli for employees and trainees from other professions.